The IR2121 is a high speed power MOSFET and IGBT driver with over-current limiting protection cir cuitry. Latch immune CMOS technology enables rug gedized monolithic construction. Logic inputs are compatible with standard CMOS or LSTTL outputs, down to 2.5V logic. The output driver features a high pulse current buffer stage designed for mini mum cross-conduction. The protection circuitry de tects over-current in the driven power transistor and
limits the gate drive voltage. Cycle-by-cycle shut down is programmed by an external capacitor which directly controls the time interval between detection of the over-current limiting condition and latched shutd power MOSFET or IGBT in the low side configuration.
آی سی IR2121 - DIP
- دسته بندی ها:
- - آی سی های درایور
- کد محصول: DD_207_05Q021_01299
- موجودی: تامین به صورت سفارشی از خارج
قیمت پایه : عدم موجودی
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